
bringing mothers back to work



A european ERASMUS+ Project

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.



Article 8 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union

“In all its activities, the Union shall aim to eliminate inequalities, and to promote equality, between men and women.”


Goal is to support mothers in their professional development and their long-term reintegration into the labor market by strengthening and acquiring specific skills.


With MothersCan we want to promote the principle of equal participation in the labor market with equal employment and career conditions in the EU.



  • who are unemployed or long-term unemployed,
  • who work part-time even though they would like to be full-time and
  • single women.

Why a European-level project?

Unequal access to the labor market remains a key European issue. Eurostat data shows that the integration of mothers after maternity leave affects all EU countries, regardless of national maternity leave schemes.

As early as 2021, the EU Commission reaffirmed the commitment and ambition to put the people of Europe first. European law is based on a social pillar that stands for fair and functioning labor markets and social protection systems.

With MothersCan we want to promote the principle of equal participation in the labor market with equal employment and career conditions in the EU. A transnational partnership not only enables dialogue at European level. Transnational collaboration also allows MothersCan to influence the EU agenda to raise awareness of the needs and challenges of gender equality in the workplace and to present innovative methods to empower women who want to return to work after maternity leave.​ Therefore, we offer solutions that are locally applicable and transferable across the EU to other member states.

MothersCan allows for experimentation and implementation of best practices within the partnership in countries where there may be a larger gap, thereby impacting national institutions. Transnational collaboration increases the number of stakeholders that go beyond procedural accessibility to provide mothers with the best opportunities and programs.

In addition, the partners bring together key stakeholders in each country to develop plans that improve access to career development and increase mothers‘ employability.

MothersCan - educator plays with children
MothersCan - Mother in home office with painting children
MothersCan - Mother with toddler at pediatrician's office
MothersCan - Mother in home office with toddler on desk




2 + 9 =


is an ERASMUS+ founded project.

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