Bringing Mothers Back to work
Parental leave
in the EU
One of the most important stages in the lives of young parents is the birth of a child, and the question of parental leave is central during this time. The European Union (EU) comprises a large number of member states, each of which has its own regulations and laws on parental leave. This diversity reflects the cultural, social and economic differences within the EU.
Below, we take a look at the different parental leave regulations in selected EU countries. The purpose of this overview is to gain a better insight into the diversity of European parental leave policies and to understand how these regulations affect the lives of young families in different EU countries.
Although EU directives set certain minimum standards for parental leave, member states still have leeway to design their own national regulations. This results in a wide range of approaches and options for parents across the European Union.
This overview is intended not only as an informative resource for parents and parents-to-be in the EU, but also to help recognize the importance of parental leave policies in shaping family life and the world of work in Europe.

Protection period before the birth of the child
6 weeks
Prenatal leave can be taken between 6 weeks and 7 days before the expected date of delivery. One-week before the delivery is an obligatory pre-natal rest.
Maternity leave (protection period after birth)
9 weeks
Postpartum leave must be taken for a minimum of 9 weeks (maximum 14weeks with postponement of prenatal leave).
Maternity leave allowance: for the first 30 days, it is 82% of theuncapped salary from the 31st day and 75% of the capped salary in theevent of an extension.
Parental leave and paternity leave
Parental leave
There are 4 types, all up to the age of 12 years
- Full interruption: Max 4 months,
- Part-time interruption: Max 8 months,
- 1/5 Interruption: 20 months,
- 1/10 Interruption: max. 40 months.
Paternity leave
20 days.
During the first 3 days of this leave, the employer pays the full salary.While the following days are compensated by reciprocity up to 82% of the gross salary (varies according with the revenues).
Czech Republik

Protection period before the birth of the child
8 to 6 weeks (optional).
Maternity leave (protection period after birth)
6 weeks (mandatory).
20 to 22 weeks / 29 to 31 weeks for multiple births (optional). Maternity allowance of 70% of the reduced daily income.
Parental leave and paternity leave
Parental leave until the 3rd birthday for each parent.
Parental allowance possible up to the age of 4 (parent takes unpaid leave from work).

Protection period before the birth of the child
6 weeks
Maternity leave (protection period after birth)
10 weeks
Maternity leave allowanceThe maximum amount of the maternity daily allowance is €95.22 perday before deduction of 21% fees
Parental leave and paternity leave
Parental leave
There are 3 types:1.Total parental leave €428.71,2. Part-time parental leave (max. 50%) €277.14,3. Part-time parental leave (50% to 80%) €159.87.
Paternity leave
25 days for one child, 32 days (for multiple births).This leave is in addition to the 4-day leave that must be taken after the 3-day birth leave.Fixed daily allowance of €60.26 per day.

Protection period before the birth of the child
6 weeks with regular income
Maternity leave (protection period after birth)
6 weeks with regular income
Parental leave and paternity leave
Each parent is entitled to up to three years of parental leave with a regular income.

Protection period before the birth of the child
8 weeks with state income.If the birth takes place before the original due date, the first 8 weeksafter the birth will be granted to compensate for the entire 17 weeks ofmaternity leave.If the birth takes place after the original date of birth, the protectionperiod is extended – until the birth – without a corresponding reductionin the total maternity leave.
Maternity leave (protection period after birth)
9weeks with regular income
Parental leave and paternity leave
Parental leave can be granted until the child reaches the age of 6 and, in order to receive it, workingmothers must be employed by the employer for at least one year, continuously or temporarily, except for amore favourable regulation by a special legal provision: decree, regulation, collective agreement,administrative decision or agreement between employees and employers.Parental leave shall be granted free of charge and upon request, once or in sections, correspondingrequest, in which the beginning and end are indicated, for at least four months.Each working parent has this right and they are not entitled to transfer it.
Paternity leave
14 days of paid paternity leave. The mother is entitled to a transfer of up to seven months of special maternity leave to the father if thefather is employed on a fixed-term or permanent contract in full-time or part-time employment.As long as the father receives the leave given to him by the mother, he is entitled to benefits andconsequences of the insurance cover.

Protection period before the birth of the child
- 62 days with regular income
- 2. A high-risk maternity leave – between 21 and 120 days (only in case ofpregnancy with medical risks)
Maternity leave (protection period after birth)
63 days with regular income.
Parental leave
1. up to 2 years for each parent2. up to 3 years for each parent in the case of a child with disabilities

Protection period before the birth of the child
Maternity leave can start up to 4 weeks (or 10 weeks with medicalapproval) before the expected date of delivery, although it is optional.As part of the upcoming reform of the abortion law, which will come intoforce in June 2023, a new optional leave has also been approved, whichwill allow women to apply for time off from the 39th week of pregnancy,regardless of whether they have pregnancy complications or are at riskof premature birth.
Maternity leave (protection period after birth)
At the end of maternity leave, mothers are entitled to paid leave to breastfeed their child, equivalent to one hourper day per child for nine months.In addition, the mother or father has the right to apply for unpaid leave until the baby is 3 years old.In the event of a premature birth or hospitalization of the baby, maternity leave can be extended up to 13 moreweeks, depending on how many days the baby has spent in the hospital.Alternatively, employees have the option of reducing their working hours to care for a child under the age of 12.This reduction can range from one-eighth to one-half of the daily working time, and the employee’s salary isreduced proportionally.In addition, from 2019, the state will grant a birth and care allowance of €1000/month during the 16-weekparental leave (but an application must be made to be considered).
In addition, the new family law provides for a monthly child-rearing income of €100 for families with children aged0 to 3 years and an allowance of a maximum of 8 weeks for the care of children up to 8 years old.
Parental leave and paternity leave
16 weeks for each parent (6 weeks are mandatory after birth) with regular income or 18 weeks if the child has adisability.
If the birth is multiple, there are 2 additional weeks per baby (in the case of twins, it would be 18 weeks instead of16).